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 Learning Sanskrit - Numbers (2) (English)

Sanskrit numbers (Ordinals)


Gabriel Pradīpaka again. We will continue to study Sanskrit numbers in this document. It is time to learn about Ordinal Numbers.

The 12th, the 5th, the 3rd, etc, are examples of Ordinal Numbers. Sanskrit Ordinals are generally almost just like Sanskrit Cardinals.

For instance, "twenty" --Cardinal-- and "the twentieth" --Ordinal--, are written like this: "viṁśati" and "viṁśa or viṁśatitama" respectively.

In this case, you may either remove "ti", or add "tama" to the Cardinal (viṁśati) to indicate the Ordinal "the 20th". The word "tama" is used very often. No mystery about Ordinals. Well, let us start studying them.


 Ordinals: 1st-9th

There are four columns. First column: Usual numbers (ours). Second column: Names of the Ordinals. Third column: Transliteration of the previous names. Fourth column: Comments.

1st प्रथम or अग्रिम or आदिम prathama or agrima or ādima Ordinal number irregularly formed
2nd द्वितीय dvitīya Ordinal number irregularly formed
3rd तृतीय tṛtīya Ordinal number irregularly formed
4th चतुर्थ caturtha Ordinal number irregularly formed
5th पञ्चम pañcama Final "n" of the Cardinal number "pañcan" (five) has been changed into "ma"
6th षष्ठ ṣaṣṭha Ordinal number irregularly formed
7th सप्तम saptama Final "n" of the Cardinal number "saptan" (seven) has been changed into "ma"
8th अष्टम aṣṭama Final "n" of the Cardinal number "aṣṭan" (eight) has been changed into "ma"
9th नवम navama Final "n" of the Cardinal number "navan" (nine) has been changed into "ma"


 Ordinals: 10th-29th

More numbers:

10th दशम daśama Final "n" of the Cardinal number "daśan" (ten) has been changed into "ma"
11th एकादश ekādaśa Final "n" of the respective cardinal number has been dropped
12th द्वादश dvādaśa Final "n" of the respective cardinal number has been dropped
13th त्रयोदश trayodaśa Final "n" of the respective cardinal number has been dropped
14th चतुर्दश caturdaśa Final "n" of the respective cardinal number has been dropped
15th पञ्चदश pañcadaśa Final "n" of the respective cardinal number has been dropped
16th षोडश ṣoḍaśa Final "n" of the respective cardinal number has been dropped
17th सप्तदश saptadaśa Final "n" of the respective cardinal number has been dropped
18th अष्टादश aṣṭādaśa Final "n" of the respective cardinal number has been dropped
19th नवदश or एकोनविंश or
एकोनविंशतितम or
ऊनविंश or ऊनविंशतितम or एकान्नविंश or
navadaśa or ekonaviṁśa or ekonaviṁśatitama or ūnaviṁśa or ūnaviṁśatitama or ekānnaviṁśa or ekānnaviṁśatitama 1) Final "n" of the respective cardinal number has been dropped.

2, 3 y 4) "Ti" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal. That is, for example: "ekonaviṁśati" (19) - "ti" = "ekonaviṁśa" (19th); or else, "ekonaviṁśati" (19) + "tama" = "ekonaviṁśatitama" (19th). The same rule is to be used with the rest of the numbers.

20th विंश or विंशतितम viṁśa or viṁśatitama "Ti" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal. For example: "viṁśati" (20) - "ti" = "viṁśa" (20th); or else, "viṁśati" (20) + "tama" = "viṁśatitama" (20th).
21st एकविंश or एकविंशतितम ekaviṁśa or ekaviṁśatitama "Ti" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal
22nd द्वाविंश or द्वाविंशतितम dvāviṁśa or dvāviṁśatitama "Ti" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal
23rd त्रयोविंश or त्रयोविंशतितम trayoviṁśa or trayoviṁśatitama "Ti" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal
24th चतुर्विंश or चतुर्विंशतितम caturviṁśa or caturviṁśatitama "Ti" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal
25th पञ्चविंश or पञ्चविंशतितम pañcaviṁśa or pañcaviṁśatitama "Ti" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal
26th षड्विंश or षड्विंशतितम ṣaḍviṁśa or ṣaḍviṁśatitama "Ti" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal
27th सप्तविंश or सप्तविंशतितम saptaviṁśa or saptaviṁśatitama "Ti" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal
28th अष्टाविंश or अष्टाविंशतितम aṣṭāviṁśa or aṣṭāviṁśatitama "Ti" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal
29th नवविंश or नवविंशतितम or
एकोनत्रिंश or एकोनत्रिंशत्तम or ऊनत्रिंश or ऊनत्रिंशत्तम or  एकान्नत्रिंश or एकान्नत्रिंशत्तम
navaviṁśa or navaviṁśatitama or ekonatriṁśa or ekonatriṁśattama or ūnatriṁśa or ūnatriṁśattama or ekānnatriṁśa or ekānnatriṁśattama "Ti" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal


 Ordinals: 30th-49th

Twenty more numbers:

30th त्रिंश or त्रिंशत्तम triṁśa or triṁśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal. For example: "triṁśat" (30) - "t" = "triṁśa" (30th); or else, "triṁśat" (30) + "tama" = "triṁśattama" (30th)
31st एकत्रिंश or एकत्रिंशत्तम ekatriṁśa or ekatriṁśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
32nd द्वात्रिंश or द्वात्रिंशत्तम dvātriṁśa or dvātriṁśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
33rd त्रयस्त्रिंश or त्रयस्त्रिंशत्तम trayastriṁśa or trayastriṁśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
34th चतुस्त्रिंश or चतुस्त्रिंशत्तम catustriṁśa or catustriṁśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
35th पञ्चत्रिंश or पञ्चत्रिंशत्तम pañcatriṁśa or pañcatriṁśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
36th षट्त्रिंश or षट्त्रिंशत्तम ṣaṭtriṁśa or ṣaṭtriṁśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
37th सप्तत्रिंश or सप्तत्रिंशत्तम saptatriṁśa or saptatriṁśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
38th अष्टात्रिंश or अष्टात्रिंशत्तम aṣṭātriṁśa or aṣṭātriṁśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
39th नवत्रिंश or नवत्रिंशत्तम or एकोनचत्वारिंश or
एकोनचत्वारिंशत्तम or ऊनचत्वारिंश or
ऊनचत्वारिंशत्तम or एकान्नचत्वारिंश or
navatriṁśa or navatriṁśattama or ekonacatvāriṁśa or ekonacatvāriṁśattama ūnacatvāriṁśa or ūnacatvāriṁśattama or ekānnacatvāriṁśa or ekānnacatvāriṁśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
40th चत्वारिंश or चत्वारिंशत्तम catvāriṁśa or catvāriṁśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
41st एकचत्वारिंश or
ekacatvāriṁśa or ekacatvāriṁśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
42nd द्वाचत्वारिंश or
द्वाचत्वारिंशत्तम or द्विचत्वारिंश or द्विचत्वारिंशत्तम
dvācatvāriṁśa or dvācatvāriṁśattama or dvicatvāriṁśa or dvicatvāriṁśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
43rd त्रयश्चत्वारिंश or
त्रयश्चत्वारिंशत्तम or त्रिचत्वारिंश or
trayaścatvāriṁśa or trayaścatvāriṁśattama or tricatvāriṁśa or tricatvāriṁśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
44th चतुश्चत्वारिंश or
catuścatvāriṁśa or catuścatvāriṁśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
45th पञ्चचत्वारिंश or
pañcacatvāriṁśa or pañcacatvāriṁśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
46th षट्चत्वारिंश or
ṣaṭcatvāriṁśa or ṣaṭcatvāriṁśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
47th सप्तचत्वारिंश or
saptacatvāriṁśa or saptacatvāriṁśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
48th अष्टाचत्वारिंश or
अष्टाचत्वारिंशत्तम or
अष्टचत्वारिंश or
aṣṭācatvāriṁśa or aṣṭācatvāriṁśattama or aṣṭacatvāriṁśa or aṣṭacatvāriṁśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
49th नवचत्वारिंश or
नवचत्वारिंशत्तम or
एकोनपञ्चाश or
एकोनपञ्चाशत्तम or ऊनपञ्चाश or ऊनपञ्चाशत्तम or
एकान्नपञ्चाश or
navacatvāriṁśa or navacatvāriṁśattama or ekonapañcāśa or ekonapañcāśattama or ūnapañcāśa or ūnapañcāśattama or ekānnapañcāśa or ekānnapañcāśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.


 Ordinals: 50th-69th

Another set of 20 numbers for you to enjoy:

50th पञ्चाश or पञ्चाशत्तम pañcāśa or pañcāśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
51st एकपञ्चाश or एकपञ्चाशत्तम ekapañcāśa or ekapañcāśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
52nd द्वापञ्चाश or द्वापञ्चाशत्तम or द्विपञ्चाश or द्विपञ्चाशत्तम dvāpañcāśa or dvāpañcāśattama or dvipañcāśa or dvipañcāśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
53rd त्रयःपञ्चाश or त्रयःपञ्चाशत्तम or त्रिपञ्चाश or त्रिपञ्चाशत्तम trayaḥpañcāśa or trayaḥpañcāśattama or tripañcāśa or tripañcāśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
54th चतुःपञ्चाश or चतुःपञ्चाशत्तम catuḥpañcāśa or catuḥpañcāśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
55th पञ्चपञ्चाश or पञ्चपञ्चाशत्तम pañcapañcāśa or pañcapañcāśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
56th षट्पञ्चाश or षट्पञ्चाशत्तम ṣaṭpañcāśa or ṣaṭpañcāśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
57th सप्तपञ्चाश or सप्तपञ्चाशत्तम saptapañcāśa or saptapañcāśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
58th अष्टापञ्चाश or अष्टापञ्चाशत्तम or अष्टपञ्चाश or अष्टपञ्चाशत्तम aṣṭāpañcāśa or aṣṭāpañcāśattama or aṣṭapañcāśa or aṣṭapañcāśattama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
59th नवपञ्चाश or नवपञ्चाशत्तम or एकोनषष्टितम or  ऊनषष्टितम or एकान्नषष्टितम navapañcāśa or navapañcāśattama or ekonaṣaṣṭitama or ūnaṣaṣṭitama or ekānnaṣaṣṭitama Final "t" of the respective cardinal number is dropped, or optionally, "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
60th षष्टितम ṣaṣṭitama In this case, only "tama" is added to the respective cardinal.
61st एकषष्ट or एकषष्टितम ekaṣaṣṭa or ekaṣaṣṭitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
62nd द्वाषष्ट or द्वाषष्टितम or द्विषष्ट or द्विषष्टितम dvāṣaṣṭa or dvāṣaṣṭitama or dviṣaṣṭa or dviṣaṣṭitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
63rd त्रयःषष्ट or त्रयःषष्टितम or
त्रिषष्ट or त्रिषष्टितम
trayaḥṣaṣṭa or trayaḥṣaṣṭitama or triṣaṣṭa or triṣaṣṭitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
64th चतुष्षष्ट or चतुष्षष्टितम catuṣṣaṣṭa or catuṣṣaṣṭitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
65th पञ्चषष्ट or पञ्चषष्टितम pañcaṣaṣṭa or pañcaṣaṣṭitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
66th षट्षष्ट or षट्षष्टितम ṣaṭṣaṣṭa or ṣaṭṣaṣṭitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
67th सप्तषष्ट or सप्तषष्टितम saptaṣaṣṭa or saptaṣaṣṭitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
68th अष्टाषष्ट or अष्टाषष्टितम or
अष्टषष्ट or अष्टषष्टितम
aṣṭāṣaṣṭa or aṣṭāṣaṣṭitama or aṣṭaṣaṣṭa or aṣṭaṣaṣṭitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
69th नवषष्ट or नवषष्टितम or एकोनसप्ततितम or ऊनसप्ततितम or एकान्नसप्ततितम navaṣaṣṭa or navaṣaṣṭitama or ekonasaptatitama or ūnasaptatitama or ekānnasaptatitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.


 Ordinals: 70th-99th

Thirty more numbers:

70th सप्ततितम saptatitama In this case, only "tama" is added to the respective cardinal.
71st एकसप्तत or एकसप्ततितम ekasaptata or ekasaptatitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
72nd द्वासप्तत or द्वासप्ततितम or
द्विसप्तत or द्विसप्ततितम
dvāsaptata or dvāsaptatitama or dvisaptata or dvisaptatitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
73rd त्रयस्सप्तत or त्रयस्सप्ततितम or त्रिसप्तत or त्रिसप्ततितम trayassaptata or trayassaptatitama or trisaptata or trisaptatitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
74th चतुस्सप्तत or चतुस्सप्ततितम catussaptata or catussaptatitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
75th पञ्चसप्तत or पञ्चसप्ततितम pañcasaptatá or pañcasaptatitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
76th षट्सप्तत or षट्सप्ततितम ṣaṭsaptatá or ṣaṭsaptatitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
77th सप्तसप्तत or सप्तसप्ततितम saptasaptatá or saptasaptatitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
78th अष्टासप्तत  or अष्टासप्ततितम or अष्टसप्तत or अष्टसप्ततितम aṣṭāsaptatá or aṣṭāsaptatitama or aṣṭasaptatá or aṣṭasaptatitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
79th नवसप्तत or नवसप्ततितम or एकोनाशीत or
एकोनाशीतितम or ऊनाशीत  or ऊनाशीतितम or एकान्नाशीत or एकान्नाशीतितम
navasaptatá or navasaptatitama or ekonāśīta or ekonāśītitama or ūnāśīta or ūnāśītitama or ekānnāśīta or ekānnāśītitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
80th अशीतितम aśītitama In this case, only "tama" is added to the respective cardinal.
81st एकाशीत or एकाशीतितम ekāśīta or ekāśītitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
82nd द्व्यशीत or द्व्यशीतितम dvyaśīta or dvyaśītitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
83rd त्र्यशीत or त्र्यशीतितम tryaśīta or tryaśītitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
84th चतुरशीत or चतुरशीतितम caturaśīta or caturaśītitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
85th पञ्चाशीत or पञ्चाशीतितम pañcāśīta or pañcāśītitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
86th षडशीत or षडशीतितम ṣaḍaśīta or ṣaḍaśītitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
87th सप्ताशीत or सप्ताशीतितम saptāśīta or saptāśītitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
88th अष्टाशीत or अष्टाशीतितम aṣṭāśīta or aṣṭāśītitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
89th नवाशीत or नवाशीतितम or
एकोननवत or एकोननवतितम or ऊननवत or ऊननवतितम or एकान्ननवत or
navāśīta or navāśītitama or ekonanavata or ekonanavatitama ūnanavata or ūnanavatitama or ekānnanavata or ekānnanavatitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
90th नवतितम navatitama In this case, only "tama" is added to the respective cardinal.
91st एकनवत or एकनवतितम ekanavata or ekanavatitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
92nd द्वानवत or द्वानवतितम or
द्विनवत or  द्विनवतितम
dvānavata or dvānavatitama or dvinavata or dvinavatitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
93rd त्रयोनवत or त्रयोनवतितम or त्रिनवत or त्रिनवतितम trayonavata or trayonavatitama or trinavata or trinavatitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
94th चतुर्नवत or चतुर्नवतितम caturnavata or caturnavatitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
95th पञ्चनवत or पञ्चनवतितम pañcanavata or pañcanavatitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
96th षण्णवत or षण्णवतितम ṣaṇṇavata or ṣaṇṇavatitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
97th सप्तनवत or सप्तनवतितम saptanavata or saptanavatitama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
98th अष्टानवत or अष्टानवतितम or अष्टनवत or अष्टनवतितम aṣṭānavata or aṣṭānavatitama or aṣṭanavati or aṣṭanavati The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.
99th नवनवत or नवनवतितम or
एकोनशततम or ऊनशततम or एकान्नशततम
navanavata or navanavatitama or ekonaśatatama or ūnaśatatama or ekānnaśatatama The final vowel ("i") of the respective cardinal number is changed into "a"; or "optionally" "tama" is added to the aforesaid cardinal.


 Ordinals: 100th and beyond...

To indicate ordinal number, just add "tama" to the respective cardinals. Vey simple indeed!:

100th शततम śatatama
200th द्विशततम dviśatatama
300th त्रिशततम triśatatama
400th चतुःशततम catuḥśatatama
500th पञ्चशततम pañcaśatatama
600th षट्शततम ṣaṭśatatama
700th सप्तशततम saptaśatatama
800th अष्टशततम aṣṭaśatatama
900th नवशततम navaśatatama
1,000th सहस्रतम sahasratama
2,000th द्विसहस्रतम dvisahasratama
3,000th त्रिसहस्रतम trisahasratama
4,000th चतुःसहस्रतम catuḥsahasratama
5,000th पञ्चसहस्रतम pañcasahasratama
6,000th षट्सहस्रतम ṣaṭsahasratama
7,000th सप्तसहस्रतम saptasahasratama
8,000th अष्टसहस्रतम aṣṭasahasratama
9,000th नवसहस्रतम navasahasratama
10,000th अयुततम ayutatama
100,000th लक्षतम lakṣatama
1,000,000th प्रयुततम prayutatama
10,000,000th कोटितम koṭitama
100,000,000th अर्बुदतम arbudatama
1,000,000,000th अब्जतम abjatama
10,000,000,000th खर्वतम kharvatama
100,000,000,000th निखर्वतम nikharvatama
1,000,000,000,000th महापद्मतम mahāpadmatama
10,000,000,000,000th शङ्कुतम śaṅkutama
100,000,000,000,000th जलधितम jaladhitama
1,000,000,000,000,000th अन्त्यतम antyatama
10,000,000,000,000,000th मध्यतम madhyatama
100,000,000,000,000,000th परार्धतम parārdhatama


 Concluding remarks

And another document is finished. You have learnt here how to write Ordinal numbers. And now, it is time to give plenty of examples about Cardinals between 100 and 200, 200 and 300, and so on. Go to Numbers: Appendix 1 -- Sanskrit Numbers (Examples) and keep learning Sanskrit.


 Further Information

Gabriel Pradīpaka

This document was conceived by Gabriel Pradīpaka, one of the two founders of this site, and spiritual guru conversant with Sanskrit language and Trika philosophy.

For further information about Sanskrit, Yoga and Indian Philosophy; or if you simply want to comment, ask a question or correct a mistake, feel free to contact us: This is our e-mail address.